The fastest way to ship any last-minute parcels
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Moving small parcels, envelopes and goods from business to consumers and other businesses is the foundation of our company.
Other Companies that trust INPAX as their Courier company
On-demand courier
When your customers request their goods right away, let INPAX help fulfill your immediate shipping needs with our specialized courier services. INPAX offers various service levels depending on the nature of your delivery needs, providing you with the most cost and time effective solution.
Scheduled courier service
Do you have business deliveries that need to occur regularly everyday to keep your business running effectively? INPAX can manage your scheduled route deliveries. Examples of such runs could be bank deposits, mail pickup, payroll delivery, or anything else that may occur regularly during your daily course of business that needs reliable courier services.
Dedicated courier service
INPAX is a perfect choice for your business when you are in need of additional vehicle capacity or if you are looking to opt out of in-house transportation divisions and route management. INPAX has the expertise to develop and customize an optimal local courier delivery service and route solution that will assist in making your business more efficient.
Light industrial shipping courier
Companies whose primary business is printing, commercial laundry, photographic film processing, vehicle repair, garage and building maintenance shops, metal work, millwork, and cabinetry, among others, can all rely on INPAX to help with any courier service business needs.
Medical & pharmaceutical courier service
Transport is critical to those who are in need of life saving, surgical, pharmaceutical or medical items. With certified medical drivers and dispatchers, INPAX has experience handling items of medical nature that may require special handling.
Ready to deliver?
Your customers rely on you. Rely on us to help you fulfill their demands.
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